About Courses

Open online courses organized by acknowledged universities, professors and experts from various fields have been going through intensive development in recent years reaching more and more popularity. If anyone wants to attend the courses, all they need is a computer, internet and some free time.

It all started with the introduction of the concept of open material OCW (OpenCourseWare) which is a model of the free access to the lecture recordings and selected teaching materials from the best universities popular world-wide. The American University MIT, a leader in the field, has provided access to the thousands of recordings of their courses and hundreds of other universities from all around the world are following in their footsteps.

Free online education has flourished with the emergence of the concept of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) which represents an enlargement and rounding-off of the concept of OCW by making the complete courses, lectures, exercises, seminar papers, lab exercises, midterm exams, final exams, certificates and even a complex phenomenon such as a student community available online free of charge.

Coursera, currently the biggest platform of MOOCs, has got over 8,000,000 users and it offers 683 courses which are provided by 110 partner universities (Stanford, Yale, Columbia, Brown, Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, and many other European, Australian and Asian universities).

Online Open Courses provide and stimulate interactivity and they also give their customers the freedom to follow their own pace of learning by instigating them to create and set their own goals simultaneously developing the necessary skills for successful lifelong learning.